Not every, but almost every subject. We hire experts to deal with your specific type of assignment. Our service is to ensure that the assignment is completed by someone with either a PhD or Master’s degree in your field of study. If there is a subject that we cannot tackle, we will never send it to someone whose skills are “close enough.” We will refund your money and/or tell you up front. We can handle one assignment or an entire online class. Ask us in live chat for more details.
We urge you to consult your school’s honor code. In many cases our service is not considered cheating; it should be considered a supplement to your own studies and work. To help you avoid costly shipping fees, we prefer E-Books.
You simply go to the far right corner of the main page, become a free member. Add your assignment to your BoostMyGrades portal. Then, our consultants look through the assignment and find a perfect fit for the type of work that you submitted. The consultant works with the professional scholar to ensure that it is directly in line with his or her area of expertise. The hired professional works diligently on the assignment, then uploads it back to your BoostMyGrades account. You are notified throughout this entire process, and can speak directly with your tutor.
On the rare occasion (less than 1% of the time) that you are not satisfied, just email the paper back with revision requests within 7 days, and our professionals will, free of charge, make the revisions that you request. You can also escalate the issue in our system and let us know what is wrong. Furthermore, leave notes for your tutors so they can satisify anything you request in real time.
No problem. You have unlimited free revisions. We are committed to our customers and their success at school. We also offer refunds if its not to your standards.
We will give you a 100% refund.
It will say “Educational Services.” This is the legal name of the corporation.
We understand. In the terms and agreement section, you can see that it is illegal for us to disclose any of your information for any reason. We will never use your name, email, phone number or any other identifying information.
Yes. You can pay with credit card or debit card.
Yes. Just put that in the notes and we will make sure that you get the same person.
We use ebooks, and can most likely find a digital copy of yours online. This saves time and money by avoiding shipping expenses.
It’s easy to get a quote, just sign up by creating a username/password on Add your assignment details, and click purchase if you agree with the quote. An email will be set with an invoice. Click the link in the email to pay, and your assignment will be sent to our professionals to complete. Rest assured, all deadlines will be met.
We use SSL secure, an industry leader in payment processing security.
If there is an emergency situation, please contact, and let us know your issues. We will get back to you to let you know if we can accommodate your request or not.
We can handle almost every type of academic online class.
We have significant experience and are familiar with many of the leading platforms including: Blackboard, MyMathLab, Course Compass and others.
We aim for A’s and B’s always, however we guarantee a grade of a C or better, or we issue a 100% refund instantly.
If you need to talk to your tutor, please sign into your account with the username and password you created. Once logged in, click “check existing assignment”, and scroll to the right to view and add notes. Click the button “Add notes” and rest assured you will be answered by your dedicated tutor. (Make sure popup blocker is disabled for the Notes window to show).
Hit the “escalate issue button” to talk with the tutor-manager to get a resolution. You will be notified once the resolution is resolved.
Yes! We are constantly hiring new, talented individuals. If you received an undergraduate degree from a top 10 university, or have an MBA, JD, or PhD, and would like to work in a high-paced and rewarding environment, please send a resume and cover letter to
Sunday – Thursday
9 AM to 3 AM (EST)
9 AM to 6 PM (EST)
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